Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Wayward Reminiscences and Nostalgic Nonsense!

I am a memory keeper! Yes, I hoard mementos and photos like they are life's essentials. Over the years I have moved several times and as I prepare for the possibility of moving once again I have started to weed through back closets in the desperate search for things to part with! While I have been able to rid myself of certain uninspiring and un-sentimental riff-raff I have found myself confronted by moments of nostalgia and reminiscences as I stumble upon so many sentimental keepsakes.

I found an enormous white box in a back closet and at first became perplexed. After perusing my backlogged memory I realized this white box enclosed my wedding dress! It had been stashed at my parents for many years until my mom decided while cleaning house that I could store it myself so it made the journey from Ontario to Saskatchewan. The sight of this non-descript box brought with it a flood of wedding memories.

I remember the excitement of wedding planning and the frustrations. What I remember most and love about weddings is the way you can put your own signature on the event through all the minutia. From wedding favours to the cake and flowers. One now makes these choices based on personality and individual preferences.
My husband was the type of groom to be involved. He was beside me at every turn but I think his favourite part of the entire experience was helping to choose the wedding favours that our guests would we hoped take home to remember the day we shared. We were eager to find unique wedding favours which would represent who we were and as two people enamoured not only by each other but by the beauty of the natural world we chose to give saplings. These evergreen saplings were the perfect way to embody our mind set, represent our ever lasting love and provide guests with something tangible to take with them.

Many of the guests nurtured and planted these trees. Our parents over the years have occasionally made mention of how relatives' trees were doing but we've lost track lately as to whether any are still alive and flourishing. I like to think many are and that perhaps our union even helped the environment just a little!

Funny I should remember such a seemingly silly detail as wedding favours when my mind wanders back to that day. I have so many other beautiful wedding memories I remember tearfully giving a speech in which I quoted Wuthering Heights, the love I felt and still feel overwhelmingly daily for my husband, and enjoying a rousing reception filled with the revelry shared with family and friends.

I've been married for over 12 years and times have changed. My sister married only a couple of years ago and though I was in the wedding party I live miles away so the distance prevented me from helping with a lot of the nuanced details including the crazy tasks of bridal shower planning which in itself I guess can now include the craziness of bridal shower favours, beyond the party games and food alone! From a far I sent links to online wedding sites and ideas for centerpieces, favours and the like so I could feel part of the drama! Now I hold the album of her wedding, and continue to reminisce...it's the equivalent experiences of others that often recall ones own special moments!

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