As September approached I grew giddy! This year was going to mark a turning point in my life. My youngest daughter, Bronwynn, would be starting kindergarten. Kindergarten is half-time here mind you but the idea of having even every other day to myself after all my years as a stay-at-home mom would definitely be something to look forward to. I had my obligatory cry as my youngest and final child commenced her first day of formal education and then I was ready...ready to turn a page in my life, ready to move into a new and exciting "selfish" phase! Perhaps this phase would include career, maybe I could focus my attention on writing and art, maybe take courses, or even just catch up on all the things around the house that often seem impossible with children under foot.
It is now the end of October, two months into the school year and I am still waiting for life to change! Professional development days, appointments, errands, a son who has been sick and out of school for a week and a half I'm beginning to realize that this "new phase" is really only more of the same. I often wonder when I will ever give myself permission to be anything more than just mommy! Of course being mommy is lovely and cherish it always but I often wonder how many other women experience the same identity crisis I seem to be facing.

Oh well, another year then all three of my children will be lost to full time education and I'm sure I will be begging for it all to do over!

You take lovely pictures . . . and you're right - the time will come when you'll reall miss these days. Hope your son recovers soon.
ReplyDeleteIsn't that the truth hey - while they may be in school, this mommy thing is still full time! Elijah has had unexpected days off too with PD days and the long weekends! I'm hoping we get more into the swing of things but right now I'm still waiting for the next school day anxiously! For the past 2 weeks, and next week, it's just Tues/Thurs which is agonizing for both him and myself!
ReplyDeleteI say the same things to myself every day! I figure they are young for such a little time, why rush it. One day I'll have tonnes of time to myself and I'll wish for the days when I was kissing boo boos and wiping jam handprints off the walls.
ReplyDeleteYou know - I really do wonder how full-time working out of the home moms do it. Even when they are all in school. It seems like every other week there is another PD day. Sick kids, appointments, you name it.
ReplyDeleteI don't know if as moms we ever have tonnes of time to ourselves, we do get more as they grow. But man it's nice to be around when your kids need you isn't it? Even when they are older.
Great Post!