Sunday, February 8, 2015


Five years have passed since last I posted here!  Sometimes it seems an eternity, sometimes only yesterday.  Though I have not missed the contest giveaways and product pushing I have truly missed the writing, sharing, and collaborating.  The moment has come to turn over a new leaf and begin again but in a fresh new vein, one I am extremely passionate about.

Family is more than the trends it follows, and the products it purchases. Family is making moments, and recording those moments.  It is also the sum of its past! Past generations have brought us to the place we inhabit today and --good or bad--it is those past generations that I honour on my new genealogy/ family history blog: Northern Mama Family History~Family Life: Genealogy with love
Genealogy, ways to incorporate your family's past into your daily life today, refurbishing the old and antique to add character to your home, and historical tidbits are just some of the topics I will tangle with!

I would love for all of you to join me there! Read my About Me page for more details!

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