I'm on a social mission the find ways to make the world a better place not only through big acts, raving activism, and financial donations but through the small daily acts that are simple and manageable! Here's a simple way we can all help fight hunger.
The Hunger Site was launched June 1999 and is aimed at using the power of the internet to meet a humanitarian need! How does this work? Just click the yellow "Click Here to Give - it's FREE" button and this will trigger a staple food donation paid for by one of the site sponsors. Mercy Corps and Feeding America {formerly America's Second Harvest - The Nation's Food Bank Network} distribute the donations. 24 000 people in this world die of hunger daily and most are children! You may also wish to visit their online store, browse their news and articles about hunger issues in the world, and check out their teacher resources!!
I love this website too! What a great concept huh? I try to visit whenever I am online (which is never lately....)