We have put off the window replacement far too long but in order to qualify for the renovation tax breaks Harper implemented as part of Canada's economic recovery plan and because we will be putting our house on the market in the spring it was high time! $350 later we are now looking at the mess our dog also made of our back door. She has torn the vinyl siding around the door not to mention ripped the flashing off the outside door jam.
Some of you will ask why do you put up with a dog so destructive and temperamental? After 12 years despite all the insanity Aleutia has caused I love that giant fuzzy old lady...she kind of grows on you I guess you could say! While I love home remodeling I would prefer improvements to repairs but I wouldn't trade Aleutia for any of it!

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She's very beautiful. :) (even if she's a tad destructive, holy smokes on the broken window!)